суббота, 28 апреля 2018 г.

тестовые задания для 1 курса

1. Every time that I miss the bus, it means that I ... walk to work.
A) has to                          
B) have to                        
C) could
2. Every time when I missed the bus, I ... to return home late.
A) must                          
B) can
C) had                              
3. Is there anything I ... do to help you?
A) can                                
B) am to
C) may                                
4. I didn't have much time, but I ... visit a lot of places of interest in London.
A) can                                
B) must
C) was able to                    
5.1 ... understand this letter. Will you translate it for me?
A) mustn't                        
B) may not
C) can't                              
6.  Diana's parents don't let her go to late-night disco. She ... be at home at 9 o'clock in the evening.
A) must                              
B) may
C) can                                
7. Henry ... apologize for his bad behaviour yesterday.
A) have to                          
B) had to
C) may                                
8.  I agree. You ... apologize for not inviting him to your birthday party.
A) can't                              
B) shouldn't
C) mustn't                        
9.  ... you give me some advice about the language courses?
A) Should
B) May                                
C) Could
10. Why didn't you give me a call yesterday? We ... discuss everything together.
A) can                                
B) must                              
C) could
11. The plane ... take off after the fog had lifted.
A) can
B) was able to                    
C) may
12. Finally we ... stop: we were tired and it was dark.
A) can                                
B) must
C) had to
13. He was happy. He ... pass his driving test at the first attempt.
A) should                            
B) had to
C) was able to
14. At present I ... afford to go to the cinema twice a week.
A) can't                              
B) must not
C) couldn't                        
15.  ... they leave before supper or have they time to stay until my friends come?
A) must                            
B) might
C) may                              
16. We ... come to your party, but it depends on our finding a babysitter.
A) may                                
B) has to
C) couldn't                        
17.  ... you remember what you were doing at this time yesterday?
A) can                                
B) must
C) may                              
18.  People ... prevent pollution of the rivers before it gets worse.
A) could                              
B) must
C) need                              
19. If you are spoiled as a child you ... have a lot of problems in adult life.
A) must                            
B) could
C) may                              
20.1 decided to have some English lessons so that I ... practise when I come to the US.
A) can                              
B) may
C) must                              
21.  If you telephone early next week, the secretary ... give you your exam results.
A) may                               ,
B) can                                
C) will be able to
22. Our two … are crying all the time.
A) babies
B) babys
C) babyes

23. … usually fly not very high.
A) flyes
B) flys
C) flies
24. I don’t like going by car. If I have a chance, I always go on … .
A) foot
B) feet
C) foots
25. Those were the happiest days of our … .
A) lifes
B) lives
C) lifees
26. Leaves usually … trees in autumn.
A) leave
B) leafs
C) leaves
27. Rock music of the 1970s is an extremely interesting cultural … .
A) phenomena
B) phenomenon
C) phenomens
28. I prefer natural … when I want to change my hair style.
A) dies
B) dyes
C) dys
29. It is rather dangerous to walk on … after the rain.
A) roofs
B) roofes
C) rooves
30. Dentists recommend using … twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
A) tooth`s paste
B) toothpaste
C) teeth`s paste
31. … are flowers of life.
A) Childs
B) Children
C) Childrens
32. 50 … of oil leaked out of the tanker into the sea.
A) Tones
B) Tons
C) Tonns
33. … in our house are so annoying. We definitely need a cat.
A) Mouses
B) Mices
C) Mice

34. My little son is afraid of grey … (волков) that come at night.
A) wolfys
B) wolvies
C) wolves
35. No news … good news.
A) is
B) are
C) am
36. These potatoes weigh five … .
A) kiloes
B) kilos
C) killoes
37. What do you need these … for?
A) knives
B) knifes
C) knifs
38. My new Swiss watch … 3 minutes slow.
A) is
B) are
C) am
39. Big … don’t cry. 
A) boys
B) boyes
C) boies
40. The naughty kid likes throwing rotten … at passers-by.
A) tomatos
B) tomatoes
C) tommatos
41. There is no piano in the…… .
A) bushes
B) bushs
C) bushies

42. … British Isles include two big islands (Great Britain and Ireland) and nearly 6000 small islands.
A) The
B) –
C) A
43.  ... Vesuvius destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii in AD 79.

44. As ... Balkan Peninsula is very mountainous, a lot of mineral deposits are found there.
45.... North Pole is the northernmost point on Earth, which is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.
46. ... South Pole is situated on the continent of Antarctica.
47. The national currency of ... Jamaica is the Jamaican dollar.
48. The South Pole is situated in ... Antarctic.
49. We want to go to ... Crimea next summer.
50. The flora of ... Madagascar includes 14,883 unique plant species.
51. The official language of ... Netherlands is Dutch.
52. ... Amazon is the second longest river in the world.
53. … United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the British Isles.
54. ... Greenland is the world’s largest island.
55. ... Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the Earth.
56. There are 30 bridges over ... Thames in London.
57. ... Cyprus used to be a British colony until 1960.
58. ... Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
59. ... Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa.
60. One of the most developed countries is ... United Arab Emirates.
61….. sun is in …. sky.
А) The, a                                         
В) The, the                   
С) -,  a
62. What …John doing?
А) does          
В) do         
С) is
63. John and Mary … the radio.
A) are listening on the radio.    
B) is listening on the radio. 
C) are listening to the radio.
64. Bill and I … here.
A) we’re           
B) we are         
C) are         
65. Sarah, what … doing?
A) she is           
B) are you        
C) are
66. Mary’s … the garden.
A) in                
B) at        
C) on
67. Are there six books on the table?
A) no, there’s the one 
B) no, there are any   
C) no, there are three.
68. Tom often sings, but … .
A) Sarah sings?    
B) Sarah does?   
C) does Sarah?
69. Tony is looking at … .
A) she                    
B) he                 
C) her
70. Who’s that boy?
A) Is Bill?            
B) It’s Tom       
C) It’s a boy.
71. Where’s the book?
A) There’s it.      
B) It’s here.       
C) He’s under the table.
72.He … some new shoes last month.
A) bought
B) buying
C) buy
73. What’s his name?
A) It’s name Jack   
B) It’s Jack   
C) It’s Jack’s name.
74. Do you dance or draw?
A) I’m dance but I’m not draw.  
B) I dance but I don’t draw. 
C) I’m dancing but I not drawing. 
75. Is that horse big?
A) No, it’s little horse.  
B) No, that’s little horse.  
C) No, it isn’t.
76. What’s her brother doing?
A) Playing football.        
B) He playing football.      
C) Is playing football.

77. The lamp is … the TV-set.
A) at;                          
B) next to;            
C) near of
78. Sarah … cat.
A) haves some                     
B) has some                       
C) has a
79. Tom and Ann … the table.
A) are sitting in;           
B)  are sitting at;               
C) is sitting on
80. What’s that man?
A) He’s my brother       
B) It’s an old man.            
C) He’s a teacher
81. Do they live in England?
A) Yes, they live.          
B) Yes, they live in it.       
C) No, they don’t.
82. 140 is … .
A) one hundred forty;  
B) one hundred and forty; 
C) one hundred and fourteen
83. Does father read the newspaper?
A) No, he doesn’t;        
B) No, he not read;             
C) No, he reads not.
84. That’s Jane. She … .
A) has hair long;           
B) have long hair;               
C) has long hair
85. Where … standing?
A) is they;                     
B) are they;                          
C) do they
86. Are … brothers?
A) those big boys;         
B) some those big boys;      
C) big boys those
87. Do you know Peter?
A) Yes, I know;            
B) Yes, I do;                         
C) No, don’t know.
88. Bill … play tomorrow.
A) going to;                  
B) is going to;                       
C) can to
89. Bill is in front of Carrie. Carrie is … Bill.
A) behind;                         
B)   between;                       
C) beside
90. Do Mr. and Mrs. Brown live in England?
A) Yes, they do live.          
B) Yes, they live.                 
C) Yes, they do
91. Mrs. Johnson is washing the girl’s hair.
A) He is washing their hair.  
B)  She is washing her hair. 
C) She is washing their hair.
92. There … in the classroom but only one teacher.
A) much pupils;                   
B) a lot of people;                   
C) a lot of pupils
93. The sun … in the East.
A) is always rising;            
B) rises always;                        
C) always rises
94. Which books … ?
A) John likes;                      
B) does John like;                    
C) likes John
95. There isn’t … at the bus-stop.
A) anybody;                        
B) people;                                 
C) somebody
96. Kim and Fred … home.
A) are at home;                   
B) they are in;                          
C) are in
97. What colour are your new shoes?
A) They are brown colour;            
B) They’re brown;         
C) They are colour brown.
98. How … from London to Gatwick?
A) to go;                              
B) we can go;                            
C) can we go       

99.  … don’t like milk.
A) Some people;                  
B) Somebody;                           
C) Any people
100. Did you visit Canada last year?
A) No, I’ve never been there.  
B) No, I never was there.        
C) No, I went never there.
101. Sally is … Paul.
A) as tall than;                         
B) as tall as;                             
C) so tall as
102. Do you like that shop? Yes, I … every week.                       
A) come there;                          
B) come here;                         
C) go there
103. Сколько тебе лет?
A) How is your age?                      
B)  How old are you?             
C) What age have you got?
104. What time … breakfast?
A) does Mary have the;                 
B) has Mary;                          
C) does Mary have
105. His mother will come at 8 o’clock … evening.
A) of this;                                      
B) this;                                    
C) on this
106. … to Scotland last month?
A) Did Andrew go;                       
B) Was Andrew;                     
C) Has Andrew gone
107. My brother … to play football tomorrow.
A) is going;                                  
B) can                                      
C) will
108. The party will start … Saturday.
A) on 8 o’clock at;                        
B) 8 o’clock at;                         
C) at 8 o’clock on
109. What … on Saturdays?
A) Ken usually does;                       
B) does Ken usually do;           
C) usually does Ken do        
110. Millie … make some cakes tomorrow.
A) is going to;                                 
B) want to;                                
C) can to
111. Norman gave … .
A) the flowers me.                            
B) my flowers.                         
C) me the flowers.
112. Where …?
A) Mary works;                               
B) does Mary work;                  
B) does Mary works
113. Who …?
A) does Tom usually help?             
B) Tom does usually help?       
C) usually Tom helps?
114. Did your brother go to England last year?
A) No, he did never go there.      
B) No, he never was there.      
C) No, he has never gone there
115. Have you been to Egypt? Yes, I … in 1965.
A) went there                               
B) came there                           
C) gone there
116. Ann is older … .
A) as Mary                                     
B) than Mary                            
C) than Mary is
117. Whose house is this?
A) our                 
B) ours               
C) ours one
118. Laura’s … her sister.
A) very taller than   
B) very taller than      
C) much taller than
119. Nelly’s a girl … long hair.
A) with some           
B) with her                
C)  with
120. What time … dinner?
A) Peter has?             
B) does Peter have?       
C) does Peter has?
121. I feel fine today because I …
A) have gone to bed early tonight 
B) have gone to bed early last night 
C) went to bed early last night
122. Has Susan got the money? Yes, John … yesterday.
A) gave it to her           
B) give it her               
C) to give them to her      
123. Tomorrow my sister … late.
A) come home              
B) will come at home  
C) will come home
124. What’s your husband?
A) I haven’t got any.             
B) This is him.                       
C) He’s a doctor.
125. Here are three books. … like best?
A) Which book do you      
B) What book do you like      
C) Which of book you.
126. The old man … the stairs.
A) come out of             
B) came down                
C) came off
127. Have you been to Scotland?
A) Not ever                           
B) Not yet                      
C) Not never
128. Has Jack got his books now? Yes, my brother … yesterday.
A) gave them to him              
B) has given them to him         
C) gave to him them
129. … to Ireland last year?
A) Mary went              
B) Did Mary go               
C) Was Mary
130. Where … in the summer?
A) usually Lena goes       
B) does Lena usually go            
C) usually does Lena go        
131. Donald … sixteen tomorrow.
A) going to be                        
B) shall  be                            
C) will be
132. Can this camera … good photos?
A) make                                 
B) take                                            
C) to take
133. Who was the first person … today?
A) spoke to you                    
B) you spoke to                     
C) you spoke
134.  … at the moment, I’ll go to the shop.
A) For it is not raining          
B) As it doesn’t rain                       
C) As it isn’t raining
135. What time does the bus … Bradford?
A) go away for                      
B) leave to                             
C) leave for
136. Nick constantly … late for his lesson.
A) comes                      
B) is coming                          
C) came
137. Our daughter … .
A) was born since 3 years               
B) was born 3 years ago                 
C) is born since 3 years ago
138. When … English?
A) has he begun to study                
B) did he begin to study                  
C) did he begin study
139. Please, ask … and see the car.
A) Bill to come                      
B) to Bill come                      
C) Bill come
140. When … a game of football.
A) had you last                      
B) did you last have                        
C) did you have last
141. There’s not much news in today’s paper, … ?
A) isn’t it                               
B) is there                              
C) aren’t there
142. Let’s not … tonight.
A) to go somewhere                        
B) go to somewhere                        
C) go anywhere
143. I like bacon and eggs … .
A) for breakfast                     
B) for the breakfast                         
C) with the breakfast

144. I … home at half past six.
A) was at                               
B) come at                             
C) arrive in
145. Where … yesterday?
A) went you                          
B) have you been                   
C) were you
146. Somebody … in the next room.
A) to sing                     
B) are singing                        
C) is singing
147. Mom … two apple pies this morning.
A) baked                      
B) has baked                         
C) have baked
148. She … all her money on sweets.
A) has spent                          
B) spent                       
C) to spend
149. My sister … in a serious firm last year.
A) worked                    
B) works                      
C) was working
150. She always … to Moscow when she was a head of the company.
A) flies                                   
B) flew                                   
C) had flown
151. Russia is … country in the world.
A) the strongest
B) the largest
C) the most large
152. Great Britain …by the Northern Sea.
A) is washing
B) was washed
C) is washed
153) In its narrowest part the English Channel is called …
A) La Manche
B) the Thames
C) the Straight of Dover
154. The UK consists of … parts.
A) three
B) four
C) five
155. Northern Ireland is a part of … .
A) Great Britain
B) the UK
C) the Irish Republic
156. People living in Scotland are called … .
A) Irish
B) Scottish
C) English
157. The United Kingdom is a … monarchy.
A) absolute
B) state
C) constitutional
8. The island of Great Britain is surrounded … water.
A) by
B) from
C) with
159. The climate on the British Isles is generally … .
A) severe
B) continental
C) mild
160. The longest river in the UK is … .
A) the Thames
B) the Severn
C) Thames
161. Russia … a vast territory.
A) occupies
B) occupy
C) is occupied
162. The arctic climate is … one.
A) cold
B) the coldest
C) the cold
163. The USA … by the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
A) was surrounded
B) surrounded
C) is surrounded
164. Slavery was … in the USA in 1865.
A) abolished
B) diminished
C) restricted
165. The wealth of new Zealand … agricultural activities.
A) due to
B) due
C) is due to
166. Australia is the … manufacturer of wool.
A) world's leading
B) country leading
C) most leading
167. The USA … Canada.
A) borders with
B) borders
C) borders on
168. Arbat is … street of Moscow.
A) the longest
B) the most famous
C) the most long
169. Turner is a … .
A) English artist
B) American painter
C) British poet
170. The City is the … of the UK.
A) financial center
B) Stock Exchange
C) heart
171. Moscow is … city in Russia.
A) the largest
B) large
C) the larger
172. Moscow was founded … Yury Dolgoruky.
A) by
B) –
C) with
173. … can't call London a typical English city.
A) Nobody
B) One
C) Somebody
174. Washington, DC is unique in … way.
A) its own
B) one's
C) his own way
175. Washington is situated … Potomac River.
A) on the
B) on
C) at the
176. The best way to go around NY is … .
A) by foot
B) on feet
C) on foot
177. Tourists come … the State of Liberty.
A) seeing
B) to see
C) see
178. Traffic on even-numbered streets … east.
A) travel
B) is travelling
C) travels
179. The word “downtown” … the city centre in NY.
A) connotes
B) doesn't connote
C) don't connote
180. Weber started writing music … .
A) about himself
B) on himself
C) of his own
181. The first Weber’s performance was … .
A) a failure
B) failure
C) the failure
182. “Cats” was an … hit.
A) uncredible
B) incredible
C) incredit
183. He … many awards, including an Academy Award.
A) won
B) had win
C) win
184. Turner received … no general education.
A) almost
B) none
C) neither
185. A landscape is a picture of … .
A) people
B) still life
C) countryside
186. Dodgson often … children with different stories.
A) entertained
B) told
C) said
187. The story was so good that … .
A) they asks to publish it
B) they asked to publish them
C) they asked to publish it
188. Alice in Wonderland was … by Lewis Carroll.
A) the best book
B) a best book
C) the most best book
189. “Quality” newspapers publish analytical articles on … topics.
A) different
B) sensational
C) serious
190. The newspapers issued on Sundays are called … .
A) Sunday supplements
B) weekend papers
C) tabloids
191. Fleet Street was known as home for many … .
A) newspapers
B) television programmes
C) TV stars
192. All UN Members States … in the General Assembly.
A) represent
B) are presented
C) present
193. The League of Nations was the … of the UNO.
A) forerunner
B) forefather
C) starting point
194. The island of Great Britain is divided … three parts.
A) into
B) to
C) in
195. Broadway is the … street in New York with many sights.
A) longer
B) longest
C) most long
196. The UN … emphasis of its human rights work to the implementation of human rights laws.
A) is shifting
B) are shifting
C) will shift
197. … recent years, a special effort has been made to reach decisions through consensus.
A) on
B) in
C) with in
198. The League of Nations ceased its activities after … to prevent the Second World War.
A) stopping
B) fail
C) failing
199. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first … the term “United Nations”.
A) use
B) to use
C) used
200. Each member of the UN has … .
A) one vote
B) two votes
C) three votes
201. Where _____ on holidays?
A) you go
B) do you go     
C) do you going
D) are you go
202. I _____ lots of books every year.
A) will read
B) am reading   
C) read
D) am going to read
203. We _____ to a party next Saturday.
A) go
B) goes
C) are going
D) went
204. _____ to go out tonight?
A) Do you want
B) Are you wanting
C) Is you want
D) Would you want
205. Every morning Tessa _____ at 7.30.
A) is getting up
B) got up                      
C) get up
D) gets up
206. Oh, someone _____ in my seat!
A) is sitting
B) sits                          
C) will sit
D) sit
207. I’m sorry. I can’t help you at the moment. I _____ dinner.
A) will cook
B) am cooking            
C) cook
D) cooked
208. In Britain people _____ on the right.
A) are driving
B) drives                    
C) drive
D) drove
209. What _____ in your free time?
A) are you doing
B) do you do              
C) you do
D) are you do
210. Jack’s a policeman but he _____ a uniform.
A) doesn’t wear
B) isn’t wearing          
C) no wear
D) wears
211. The teacher is helping ... to translate the text.
a) she  
c) he   
212. My friend is going to write a letter to ... today.
a) me   
c) I   
213. This book is not suitable for ... .
a) she  
c) I   
214. Victor is a doctor. ... works in hospital.
a) she  
c) he  
215. I met ... at the station.
a) they
c) he  
216. He addressed his speech to ... not to ... .
a) he... me
b)him... I  
c) him... me
d)he... I
217. The pencils are on the table. Give ... to ..., please.
a) they... I 
b)them... I 
c) they... me
d)them... me
218. This magazine is for ... .
a) you
c) she
219. Where is Elena? ... is in the garden.
a) he 
c) you
220. He saw ... at the party.
a) they 
c) theirs
221. I phoned the plumber because I _____ smell gas in the kitchen.
A) can 
C)managed to
222. I phoned yesterday, but I ____ get an answer. Where were you?
A) can
C)managed to  
223. The neighbors were having a row, and I _____ hear every word they said.
A) can
C) managed to 
224. Speak up! I _____ hear you!
A) can
C) can’t
D) couldn’t
225. I’d love _____ help you, but I can’t. I’m sorry.
A) can
C) managed to 
D)to be able to
226. Women _____ vote in England until 1922.
A) can
B)are able to       
C) managed to    
D) couldn’t
227. I’m learning Spanish because I want _____ speak when I’m in Mexico.
A) can
C) will be able to   
D) to be able to
228. The doctor says I _____ walk again in two weeks’ time.
A) can
C) will be able to    
D) to be able to
229. I’m sorry, but I _____ come to your party next week.
A) can’t
C) can                    
D) ‘ll be able to
230. I love driving! _____ drive has changed my whole life.
A) Can
B) Could      
C) Will be able to  
D) Being able to
231. _____ you speak Spanish?
A) May    
B) Are      
C) Can
232. A: _____ I go? B: Yes, you can.
A) Could   
B) Am     
C) Need                
D) Did
233. My grandfather _____ speak four languages when he was alive.
A) can
C) managed to     
D) couldn’t
234. The police _____ find the man who had stolen my car. He was sent to prison.
A) can
B) could       
C) managed to
D) couldn’t
235. _____ you _____ find all the things you wanted at the shops?
A) Did / have to 
B)Did / can   
C) Did / manage to     
D) Did / could
236. If you had video, you _____ record it yourself tonight.
A) could 
C) must                    
D) may
237. You _____ get the 9.45 train. You could get the 9.55 and still arrive in time.
A) don’t have to
B) mustn’t                
C) should                      
D) had better
238. You _____ be hungry. You’ve just had dinner.
A) aren’t
C) may                           
D) must
239. You _____ be hungry. You had no lunch.
A) can’t
B) shouldn’t              
C) must                        
D) couldn’t
240. A: Is this a 24 bus coming?
    B: It__ be. I can’t see the number yet.
A) might
C) may not                    
D) must
241. I’ll_____ go now.
A) should
C) have to                      
D) ought to
242. You _____ get the 8.45 train. It doesn’t stop at Yorkshire.
A) had better
B) mustn’t                
C) should                       
D) don’t have to
243. You _____ go near that dog! It’s very dangerous.
A) may not
B)don’t have to       
C) mustn’t                     
D) needn’t
244. A: I’ve got toothache. B: You’d _____ go to the dentist.
A) better
C) used to                       
D) must
245. Betty has a temperature. She _____ be ill.
A) had better
B)used to                
C) can not
246. Good morning sir, what _____ I do for you?
A) would
B) can                       
C) shall                         
D) must
247. _____ careful! You are making mistakes.
A) Be
B) Must                      
C) Do
D) Did
248. I missed the bus this morning so I _____ walk to school.
A) have to
B) must                       
C) had to                    
D) ought
249. This _____ be the right road. There is no other way.
A) had better
B) must                         
C) have to             
D) would rather
250. _____ you help me with my homework?
A) Are
B) May                            
C) Can                 
D) Need
251. Take a sweater with you. It_____ get cold later.
A) won’t 
B) might                          
C) would             
D) need
252. I _____ to study for tomorrow’s exam.
A) don’t need 
B) may not                       
C) couldn’t         
D) will not
253. We have got plenty of time. We _____ hurry.
A) needn’t  
B) didn’t use to               
C) mustn’t   
D) didn’t need to
254. A: I’m putting on weight.    B: You _____ go on a diet
A) ought  
B) had to                        
C) needed to      
D) should
255. You _____ to write and thank him.
A) has  
B) must                          
C) ought            
D) needed
256. You _____ do it now. You can do it this afternoon.
A) mustn’ t  
B) had better                   
C) needn’t        
D) should
257. Joe ran all the way. It wasn’t necessary. Joe _____ run all the way.
A) needn’t have  
B) need have        
C) didn’t need to 
D) doesn’t need to
258. You _____ any more aspirins; you’ve had four already.
A) mustn’t take                                 
B) needn’t have taken
C) shouldn’t have taken 
D) had better not take
259. A: How much do you weigh?   B: _____.
A) I needn’t have told you             
B) I’d rather not tell you
C) I couldn’t have told you 
D) I’d better not be told
260. He was very poor in 1998, but in 2001 he … for Canada and … rich.
a) leaved/ growed
b) left/ grew 
c) had left/ grew   
d) was leaving/ to grow
261. Last week I … in the vivid country known for “corrida”, in other words – bullfighting.
a) arrived
b)had arrived
c) was arrived
d) was arriving
262. Why … you…out my old clothes the day before yesterday? We should have given the clothing to the homeless.
a) are/ throw
b) did/ threw
c) have/ thrown
d) did/throw
263. Once upon the time (жил-был) there… a happy man. He was all alone and had nobody to support him.
a) was living
b) living
c) lived
d) live
264. I … her walk near my house the other day (наднях).
a) noticed  
b) was noticing  
c) notice 
d) have noticed
265. … she … much time on you when you were close friends at school?
a) did/spend  
b) did/spent  
c) did/spending  
d) was/ spending
266. Why … you… out of doors (выйти на улицу) yesterday so late at night?
a) do/ went    
b) did/ went   
c) do/ go      
d) did/ go
267. I … to miss classes when I went to school. Teachers never loved me for it.
a) used
b) use
c) using
d) was using
268. Last year he … as a seller. He…jars (банки) of honey behind the counter (заприлавком).
a) was working/ selled
b) were worked/ sell
c) worked/ sold
d) worked/ selled
269. Where … you last summer during the holidays? … you spend your holidays at the sea resort or you stayed home?
a) was/ did  
b) were/ are 
c) were/ did  
d) are/ do

270. Now I … in the club. And what about you? What are you doing?
a) am dancing   
b) is dancing  
c) are danced    
d) dancing
271. Right now he … home.
a) drives  
b) is driving  
c) are driving  
d) will drive
272. _____ run if you feel tired.
A) Mustn’t
B) Don’t                      
C) Don’t have to      
D) Shouldn’t
273. Listen! Somebody … to break into our house! Call the police immediately.
a) is trying  
b) are trying 
c) tries  
d) tried
274. Look! All the teachers … at him. He may be expelled from school in a little while (скоро).
a) is shouting  
b) am shouting  
c) shout  
d) are shouting
275. More and more animals … extinct. We need to take care of nature.
a) is becoming  
b) are becoming 
c) become  
d) will become
276. She’s always … (ворчит) at me when she’s in a bad mood (вэтомслучаеозначаетнегодование).
a) nag  
b) nagged 
c) nagging  
d) nags
277. At this instant we are not … down (скашивать) the grass, we … sowing (сеять).
a) mowing/ are 
b) mowing/is 
c) mown/ are 
d) mowed/ is
278. Don’t talk so loudly. Our son … in his room.
a) are studying 
b) studying 
c) is studying 
d) studies
279. My nephew … for another job these days. He wants to work at night.
a) are looking
b) look
c) looking
d) is looking
280. Just now we … the table (убираем посуду cстола) and washing up.
a) is clearing 
b) are clearing
c) clear 
d) clears
281. We usually … a bus or a taxi early in the morning to get to work.
a) took 
b) take
c) taken
d) were taking
282. I ... to work now. Good-bye!
a) go
b) went
c) am going
d) goes
283. This is a great party. Everyone ...
a) dance
b) is dancing
c) dances
d) are dancing
284. Nurses ... after people in hospital.
a) looks
b) is looking
c) will look
d) look
285. My sister seldom … our parents. 
a) visit
b) do visit
c) does visit
d) visits
286. I ... four languages.
a) am speaking
b) speak
c) speaks
d) does speak
287. Our lessons … at 10 o’clock sharp so don’t be late.
a) would start
b) started
c) start
d) starts
288. In Britain people ... on the right.
a) are driving
b) drives
c) drive
d) drove
289. What time … your brother usually … up? 
a) are / waking
b) will / be waking
c) does / wake
d) do / wake
290. He never … about marriage with us. 
a) talks
b) doesn't talk 
c) doesn't talks
d) talking 
291. This book is about ... Central Africa.
a) the
b) a
c) –
d) an
292. ... Volga is the longest river in Europe.
a) a
b) the
c) an
d) -
293. ... Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia.
a) –
b) the
c) an
d) a
294. Is ... Malta in ... Mediterranean?
a) a... a
b) -.... –
c) the... the
d) -... the
295. ... Kremlin is the heart of Moscow.
a) –
b) the
c) an
d) a
296. ... Tate Gallery is the main modern art museum in London.
a) an
b) a
c) the
d) -
297. He was in ... Northern Ireland last year.
a) –
b) the
c) a
d) an
298. The USA is washed by ... Atlantic Ocean.
a) an
b) the
c) –
d) a
299. Rembrandt, a famous painter, was born in ... Netherlands.
a) a
b) –
c) an
d) the
300. ... Morocco is in ... North Africa.
a) -... the
b) -... –
c) the... the
d) the... –

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  Law Breakers   TASK 1. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right: 1)     b) 2e 3a 4c 5n 6d 7f 8k 9h 10l 11j...