среда, 18 апреля 2018 г.

готовимся к контрольной работе 1 курс

Use the proper form.
 1. Nouns:
1.  Both my (brother-in-law) work in a bank which is situated on the (outskirt/outskirts) of town.
2. Look! Two (aircraft) are flying in the dark sky.
3.  My (grandmother) favourite TV series (be) 'Santa Barbara'.
4.  When (be) the latest news on TV? - (It,  They) (be) at 9 a.m.
5. Two kilometres (be) a long way to go on foot.
6. The police (be) after the escaped prisoners.
7. Oh dear. Measles (be) quite a serious illness.
8. My (sister-in-law) family is not very large.
9.  Cambridge University was exclusively for (man) until 1871 when the first (woman) college was opened.
2. Articles:
10. My uncle was operated yesterday. He is still in ... hospital. I'm going to ... hospital to see him.
11.  ... life will be very different in ... future.
12.  ... villages-in this part of ... country near ... Thames are very beautiful.
13.  ... Nightingales belonged to ... highest social class of ... England.
14. What do you call ... people of ... China? - ... Chinese.
15.  ... man must do everything possible to save ... environment and ... life on ... planet of Earth.
16.  ... English language was brought onto ... British Isles in ... middle of ... fifth century by ... Angles, Saxons and Jutes who came there from ... North of ... Germany.
17. Near ... British Museum you can see the tall building of ... University of London.
18.  ... Statue of Liberty was ... gift of friendship from ... France to ... United States.
3. Use the proper form.
A Famous Clock
When you (1) ... (visit) London, one of the first (2)...(thing) you will see is (3) ... (Big Ben), (4) (a, the, -) famous clock which can (5) ... (hear) all over the world on
the B.B.C. If the Houses of Parliament (6) ... (not to burn down) in 1834, the great clock would never have been erec ted. Big Ben (7) ... (take) its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament (8) ...(build). Since that time officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock (9) ...(check) twice a day. On the B. B. C. you can hear the clock when it (10) ... (strike) because microphones (11) ... (connect) to the clock tower. Once, however, it (12) ... (fail) to give the correct time. (13) (A, the, -) painter who (14) ... (work) on the tower (15) ...(hang) a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down.
1._________       6._________       11._________
2._________       7._________       12._________
3._________       8._________       13._________
4._________9._________       14._________

5._________     10._________       15._________

 4. Read the text and do the exercises given below.
Living a Long Life
It is often said that Japanese people, on average, live much longer than Europeans. To a large extend this must be due to the food most Japanese people eat since from the point of view of the life-style, life in modern Japan is no less stressful than ours in the west. The Japanese live on a diet largely made up of fish and rice. At lunch-time a typical Japanese family will consume at least twice as many vegetables as we do in Europe. In comparison with Europeans, the Japanese eat far less meat and fewer potatoes; at the same time, they eat seven times more fresh fish than we do which make their diet much healthier by far. It would be fair to say that, in general, the Japanese consume far less sugar than Europeans, though the modern Japanese — frequent visitors to Europe on business or for pleasure — are discovering the pleasures and dangers of western-style eating habits.
a) Mark the statements which are True.
1.  The Japanese live as long as people in western countries. □
2.  From the point of view of life-style, life in modern Japan is less stressful than in Europe. □
3.  The Japanese eat much more vegetables than Europeans. □
4.  When in Europe on business, the Japanese try to eat only their national food. □
5.  They consume more sugar than we do. □
b)  Write down your answers to the following questions.
1.  On what diet do the Japanese prefer to live?
2.  Do people in Japan eat more or less meat than Europeans?
3.  What makes the Japanese diet much healthier than ours?
4.  Japanese people eat twice as many vegetables as we do, don't they?
5.  What do the Japanese discover when they come to Europe?
6.  Why do the Japanese live longer than Europeans?

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3 курс

  Law Breakers   TASK 1. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right: 1)     b) 2e 3a 4c 5n 6d 7f 8k 9h 10l 11j...